$WAFFLES Coin: Meme Coin by the Guy Who Predicted Bitcoin in 2013

$WAFFLES Coin: Meme Coin by the Guy Who Predicted Bitcoin in 2013

Waffles is the cat of the guy who told you to buy 1$ worth of bitcoin back in 2013 and you better buy 1$ worth of $WAFFLES before its too late

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MEME Directory : Best Meme Coins

Waffles is the cat of the guy who told you to buy $1 worth of Bitcoin back in 2013, and you better buy $1 worth of $WAFFLES before it's too late. Created by the legendary davincij15, $WAFFLES Coin promises to be the next big hit in the world of MEME Coins.

What is $WAFFLES Coin?

$WAFFLES Coin is a unique MEME Coin inspired by Waffles, the beloved cat of davincij15, the crypto guru who famously urged everyone to buy Bitcoin when it was just $1. Following the massive success of Bitcoin, $WAFFLES Coin aims to capture the fun and community-driven spirit of MEME Coins, with a twist of nostalgia and a nod to one of the early crypto prophets.

How to Buy $WAFFLES Coin

Purchasing $WAFFLES Coin is straightforward and can be done using the following link: Buy $WAFFLES Coin. Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot to secure your share of this exciting new MEME Coin.

Key Features of $WAFFLES Coin

$WAFFLES Coin stands out in the crowded MEME Coin market for several reasons:

  • Historical Significance: Created by davincij15, a recognized name in the crypto community.
  • Community-Driven: Emphasizes fun and engagement among its holders.
  • Easy to Buy: Purchase directly through a Telegram bot, making the process accessible to everyone.
  • Unique Origin: Inspired by Waffles, a cat with a crypto-legendary owner.

FAQ about $WAFFLES Coin

What is $WAFFLES Coin?
$WAFFLES Coin is a MEME Coin inspired by the cat of davincij15, a well-known figure who predicted Bitcoin's rise in 2013.

How can I buy $WAFFLES Coin?
You can buy $WAFFLES Coin using the Telegram bot link: Purchase $WAFFLES Coin.

Why should I invest in $WAFFLES Coin?
Investing in $WAFFLES Coin allows you to be part of a fun and growing community, with the potential for significant returns, just like early Bitcoin adopters experienced.

For more updates and information, follow $WAFFLES Coin on Twitter and join the Telegram group.

Contact: Twitter, Telegram

Author: davincij15

CA: 8doS8nzmgVZEaACxALkbK5fZtw4UuoRp4Yt8NEaXfDMb

$WAFFLES Coin CA: 8doS8nzmgVZEaACxALkbK5fZtw4UuoRp4Yt8NEaXfDMb

$WAFFLES Coin Price

Previous 14/06/2024 17:55
Next 14/06/2024 19:12

Related MEME

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$WAFFLES Comments(57)

  • visitor
    visitor 07/04/2024 22:27

    Next moon coin

  • visitor
    visitor 07/04/2024 22:27

    Go §fridge

  • visitor
    visitor 07/04/2024 22:27

    Shit coin

  • visitor
    visitor 07/04/2024 15:51

    launching tele:rizzceosol 6pm UTC

  • gtv6dx
    gtv6dx 07/04/2024 02:29

    based dev spending on influencers lol. hope they’ll allow us to chat in their tg

  • 000110000
    000110000 07/04/2024 00:25

    send it lol

  • davincij15
    davincij15 06/04/2024 22:14

    #483034 We will send this to 1M$ MCAP together dw, it’s all organic untill now, we will try bring influencers from IG and twitter soon. This shit has to become a banger and we have to make davinci jeremy talk about us by any way

  • visitor
    visitor 06/04/2024 21:58

    Send it to raydium!

  • visitor
    visitor 06/04/2024 17:23

    I used to watch markets. Now, with PumPill, I make them watch me. 🕶️ t.me/pump_fun_bot

  • 000110000
    000110000 06/04/2024 14:11


  • visitor
    visitor 06/04/2024 07:15

    lets send it!

  • visitor
    visitor 06/04/2024 07:04

    #455805 BASED

  • davincij15
    davincij15 06/04/2024 07:03

    I’m currently trying to get in touch with some influencers to send this to the moon, if you have any recommandations please send their @ on the comments

    Dexscreener/ads on dexscreener will be live once we get to raydium

    There will be a community goal to achieve in the near future aswell, we have to get Davinci’s attention and he should be talking about us or making a video for us so i’m trying to get in touch with him to make the full SENDOOOOR but i will need the help of the community to achieve these goals

    Buying 1$ worth of $WAFFLES isn’t a joke

  • visitor
    visitor 06/04/2024 06:47

    lets goo

  • visitor
    visitor 06/04/2024 06:19

    I like the meme, can send ngl

  • visitor
    visitor 06/04/2024 05:35


  • visitor
    visitor 06/04/2024 05:30

    I will buy 1$ this time

  • visitor
    visitor 06/04/2024 05:28

    Davinci’s cat about to send hahaha is this the next hobbes

  • davincij15
    davincij15 06/04/2024 04:55

    You better buy 1$ worth of $WAFFLES before it’s too late

  • visitor
    visitor 06/04/2024 04:23

    Dev why u hold 15% u fucking fat cat fucker