VAI Coin: VibeAI Meme Coin - Decentralized Social Media Revolution

VAI Coin: VibeAI Meme Coin - Decentralized Social Media Revolution

Explore Vibe AI, where AI meets blockchain to revolutionize social media content curation and engagement. Committed to equity, our tokens launch fairly — no insiders, no VCs, just community. Learn more and read our whitepaper on our website to see how we're paving the way for a truly decentralized social experience. --- We need community managers to launch our telegram and discord in the next 24 hours. Please DM on X, thanks.

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MEME Directory : Hot New Meme Coins

Explore Vibe AI, where AI meets blockchain to revolutionize social media content curation and engagement. Committed to equity, our tokens launch fairly — no insiders, no VCs, just community. Learn more and read our whitepaper on our website to see how we're paving the way for a truly decentralized social experience.

What is VAI Coin?

VAI Coin is the native token of the Vibe AI ecosystem, a cutting-edge platform that integrates AI technology with blockchain to transform social media. By leveraging decentralized technologies, Vibe AI aims to provide a transparent and equitable social media experience, where content curation and engagement are driven by the community rather than centralized entities.

How to Buy VAI Coin

Purchasing VAI Coin is simple and secure. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Join our Telegram channel using this purchase link.
  2. Follow the instructions provided by the DogeeBot to complete your purchase.

Key Features of VAI Coin

  • Decentralized Governance: VAI Coin holders have a say in the platform's decision-making process, ensuring a community-driven approach.
  • Fair Token Launch: No insider allocations or VC funding. VAI Coins are distributed equitably among the community.
  • AI-Powered Content Curation: Advanced AI algorithms help curate high-quality content, enhancing user engagement and experience.
  • Security: Built on blockchain technology, VAI Coin transactions are secure and transparent.

FAQ about VAI Coin

Q: What is VAI Coin?

A: VAI Coin is the native token of the Vibe AI platform, which aims to revolutionize social media through decentralized governance and AI-powered content curation.

Q: How can I buy VAI Coin?

A: You can purchase VAI Coin by joining our Telegram channel and following the instructions provided by the DogeeBot. Use this link to get started.

Q: What makes VAI Coin different from other MEME Coins?

A: Unlike other MEME Coins, VAI Coin integrates advanced AI technology to enhance content curation and engagement on a decentralized social media platform, ensuring transparency and equity.

We need community managers to launch our Telegram and Discord in the next 24 hours. Please DM on X, thanks.


Author: C8BXC1

CA: 7FhLiAXYaJX1HbpJPqASucasxdRYRUbvR25QVXfxua3G

VAI Coin CA: 7FhLiAXYaJX1HbpJPqASucasxdRYRUbvR25QVXfxua3G

VAI Coin Price

Previous 15/06/2024 03:32
Next 15/06/2024 03:48

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VAI Comments(50)

  • visitor
    visitor 09/04/2024 15:38

    #608907 I’m gonna buy a small amount just because you guys took time to write/generate a whitepaper. But if you dump and jeet, I will find you !!!!

  • visitor
    visitor 09/04/2024 15:05

    #608429 cat coins are fun, i can’t disagree. lol.

  • visitor
    visitor 09/04/2024 15:04

    #608419 It’s not fud, it’s valid. I understand. If you’re not comfortable to buy in yet, it’s understandable.

  • Alchemist
    Alchemist 09/04/2024 14:53

    lol y even dev has 40 percent of supply…

  • chop
    chop 09/04/2024 14:51

    40% get recked @! no way

    DINGDING 09/04/2024 14:48

    Id rather buy cat coins

  • uhh
    uhh 09/04/2024 14:48

    not to fud, but when dexscreen launch nobody read your paper about your 40%; solcares did that and got no attraction cause of that..

  • degen
    degen 09/04/2024 14:48

    #602082 no shot indian pajeet

  • yoked
    yoked 09/04/2024 14:47

    why does dev own 40%? lmao

  • visitor
    visitor 09/04/2024 14:47

    Dev gonna dump tf out of everyone

  • visitor
    visitor 09/04/2024 13:28

    try now

  • visitor
    visitor 09/04/2024 13:24

    twitter dms are not open

  • visitor
    visitor 09/04/2024 13:18

    #604159 Ultimately, we’re looking to bring users their own AI-powered social assistant. It will allow users to ask their assistant random questions like “Is Bitcoin bullish?” or “What’s the latest political news from the past 8 hours?”. Their assistant will then scour their feed to source the data and then provides them summaries or answers, based on what they’ve found on the feed. In addition, users can create categories for their assistant to comment on; e.g. “Assistant, I’ve been sleeping for 8 hours and I need to know what I missed from my Ethereum category. Is it bullish? Bearish?” — “Hello, user, it seems the market’s a bit undecided. You have trader1 and trader2 who are long but you have trader3, trader4 and trader5 who are short. Also, the SEC is having a press conference later today about crypto.”

    Those are the baseline features and then we expand from there. There’s some broader details in the whitepaper on our website.

    We will be enhancing AI performance by combining RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) with an LLM.

    Looking to have beta tg bot launched within 2-4 weeks and then continue on with building out the platform per the whitepaper.

    In the mean time, we we will begin community work and visibility efforts.

  • visitor
    visitor 09/04/2024 12:17

    @dev – can you explain what you are building and when?

  • disaster
    disaster 09/04/2024 10:52

    #602082 40% one sell and everything is gone , anyone buying this and got rugged you fking deserve it

  • visitor
    visitor 09/04/2024 10:51

    #602042 Buying is optional. 🩵

  • visitor
    visitor 09/04/2024 10:49

    #601980 Yes. Please read our documentation at .

    We are an actual project, not a meme. If you aren’t comfortable with early stage projects, then wait until market cap is higher and project is more established. :)

  • disaster
    disaster 09/04/2024 10:49

    40% for dev with a very basic web page , im not for it ..

  • laxx
    laxx 09/04/2024 10:48

    Good sign I guess?

  • baz
    baz 09/04/2024 10:46

    Dev has 40%