Best Norm’s World of Meme Coins

Discover Norm’s World of Meme Coins.
  • Norm Coin: The Ultimate Meme Coin – Norman’s World Awaits

    READ FIRST ****** There is no TG. There is no Website. The Twitter linked is my personal. -I only connected it so you can make an educated decision on whether to trust me or not. The ”Dev” will have 0 tokens. I didn’t tell anyone I was making this so there are no insiders. I’m just doing this for the fun of seeing where it goes. If it goes crazy, maybe tip me some lunch money, Or don’t. I really don’t give two shits. It’s your choice. The bottom line is, You decide if this goes to the moon or to 0. The only thing I can promise is that there is a 0% chance of a dev rug. (My initial intention was to not buy but that won’t work because snipers will ruin this so I will buy and lock tokens on SolFi if we reach king of the hill. Not gonna burn my sol just for this thing to die in 2 hours. If it survives we can relock or decide what to do with tokens when the time comes. All i really want is to break even.) ******* Ok so who/what is Norman? We all know Norman. He’s the guy that gives you that acknowledgement nod(you know the one) as you pass eachother in a parking lot. He’s the coworker you’ve known for years but never had more than a surface level conversation with. He’s the guy that works 40 years for a corporation so he can retire at 60 with a nice pension. Norman is the guy that tells you he is “living the dream.” Norman is everyone you interact with in your daily life. A little bit of him lives in all of us. He is the Norm. Without further ado (This phrase is something Norman would say) Meet Norman! (Norm for short. Normie if you’re his wife or mother) He graduated with a degree in business, He is a serial intern, He irons his jeans to keep them looking neet, He uses colorful socks as a way to express himself, He drives a 1997 Toyota Camry, He has a dog named Dogē and a cat named Luna, He’s a self proclaimed expert in investing and has a five figure portfolio on Robinhood, He gives financial advice to all his friends. Welcome to Norms World.
