Best Beware Prosperity Gospel

Discover Beware Prosperity Gospel.
  • Zer0: The Anti-Meme Coin Defying the Prosperity Gospel Trend

    Zer0 Part 1: Beware The Prosperity Gospel Prosperity gospels are the fad diets of crypto – promising results without conviction, expertise or commitment. It is no surprise that the top preachers of the last cycle – SBF, Do Kwon and Suzhu all preached their own version of the prosperity gospel. SBF preached himself as midas and used fake generosity as leverage for his misadventures for power. Do Kwon preached endless magic yield in his misguided quest for a one way up shortcut to overthrowing USD. Suzhu preached the supercycle as external and self justification for incredibly irresponsible lying and gambling. What was common to all of them of course, were that they were all initially masters of promises, which evolved into an their own prosperity gospels, which then quickly devolved into lies the moment The prosperity gospels brought them fame and attention, which they were able to then of course use it to generate ever more fame and attention and money of course. It’s of course also interesting that the most lasting builders – satoshi, vitalik, toly – did anything but preach the prosperity gospel – focusing instead on ideology, tech end games, engineering etc. Indeed, there seems to be a reverse correlation between how much one preaches the prosperity gospel and how much lasting power one has. At zer0, we understand promises are a one way road to purgatory, and prosperity gospels is temporarily assuring but ultimately the most damaging to both one’s psyche and also the ecosystem. So fuck prosperity gospels, let’s do the hard work of making all this actually worthwhile.
