FAQ: SolARBa Coin
What is the purpose of the tax on Fluxbeam?
The tax on Fluxbeam is used to create a deflationary effect by burning the tokens collected, thereby reducing the overall supply and potentially increasing the token's value.
How can I profit from arbitrage trading between the two liquidity pools?
When the price difference between the Raydium and Fluxbeam pools exceeds the tax amount, traders can buy from the lower-priced pool and sell on the higher-priced one, profiting from the difference.
Where can I find more information about SolARBa Coin?
Visit our official channels for more details: Twitter, Telegram, and Website.
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Contract Address: 6Qd6mmFR84jzg24S3851TWNGeTTFrfPko76UiHyRMDMT