Home SHRUB Coin SHRUB Coin Frequently Asked Questions

SHRUB Coin Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ about SHRUB Coin

Q: What is the total supply of SHRUB Coin?
A: The total supply is capped at 1 billion SHRUB Coins to maintain scarcity and value.

Q: Can I trade SHRUB Coin on major exchanges?
A: Currently, SHRUB Coin is primarily traded within the Solana ecosystem. Future exchange listings will be announced on our official channels.

Q: How do I stay updated with SHRUB Coin developments?
A: Follow us on Twitter at https://x.com/shrubonsol and join our Telegram group at https://t.me/ShrubOnSOL for the latest news and updates.

Contact Information

For more information or assistance, reach out to us via Twitter: https://x.com/shrubonsol or join our Telegram group: https://t.me/ShrubOnSOL.

Author: shrXbzm

CA: 5qrEpGbcNaLk9JXJoxqf1NtQ2ic1EhmTN8oLNiuapump

SHRUB Coin Market Cap: $115,970

Secure linkSHRUB Coin CA: 5qrEpGbcNaLk9JXJoxqf1NtQ2ic1EhmTN8oLNiuapump

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