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kisa Coin Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ about Kisa Coin

What is the total supply of Kisa Coin?

The initial total supply of Kisa Coin is set, but 10% of this supply will be burned to enhance value and scarcity.

Where can I follow updates about Kisa Coin?

Stay updated by following Kisa Coin on Twitter and joining the Telegram group.

Who is behind Kisa Coin?

Kisa Coin is brought to you by Kisa, a famous cat influencer with a massive following on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Why choose Kisa Coin?

Choosing Kisa Coin means being part of a vibrant community led by a beloved internet personality. The unique burn mechanism also ensures long-term value appreciation.


For more information, you can reach out to the Kisa Coin team on Twitter and Telegram.

Contract Address: GT2LQFrhS24MDfhisSnkKRKjmeA4t2jaZTa6ma9npump

kisa Coin Market Cap: $95,105

Secure linkkisa Coin CA: GT2LQFrhS24MDfhisSnkKRKjmeA4t2jaZTa6ma9npump

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