FAQ about fomo3d.fun Coin
Q: What is the fomo3d.fun Coin contract address?
A: The contract address for fomo3d.fun Coin is BQpGv6LVWG1JRm1NdjerNSFdChMdAULJr3x9t2Swpump.
Q: Where can I learn more or get updates?
A: You can follow the latest updates on Twitter @STACCoverflow or visit the official fomo3d.fun website.
Q: What is the benefit of holding fomo3d.fun Coin?
A: Holders benefit from the 0.5% tax on all transactions, distributed back to the community, making it a potentially lucrative long-term hold.
For more information or inquiries, you can contact the author, 99VXri, through the following channels:
- Twitter: @STACCoverflow
- Website: fomo3d.fun