Home $DBZ Coin $DBZ Coin Features

$DBZ Coin Features

Key Features

  • Milestone Achievements: Celebrate with the community as we hit significant milestones. Meme competitions will be held when the market cap reaches 50k.
  • DEX Ready: $DBZ Coin is fully prepared for decentralized exchanges, ensuring liquidity and easy trading for all holders.
  • Game Launch: An exciting game will be launched when the market cap hits 500k, offering a fun way to interact with the coin.
  • Royalties to Holders: Smart contracts ensure that royalties are distributed to holders, adding value to your investment.

$DBZ Coin Market Cap: $4,481

Secure link$DBZ Coin CA: BJbDUtYHDkYTE68oSxv319YkYh3kGFvKmLbJTjmTZ2A8

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