
CICADA Coin: Join the MEME buzz with 1 $CICADA = 1 cicada Coin!

CICADA Coin: Join the MEME buzz with 1 $CICADA = 1 cicada Coin!

Discover CICADA Coin on MEME is Game! 1 $CICADA = 1 cicada. Join the swarm and ride the buzz of the latest MEME Coins!

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MEME Directory : Hot New Meme Coins

Discover 'CICADA' Coin on MEME is Game! 1 $CICADA = 1 cicada. Join the swarm and ride the buzz of the latest MEME Coins!

Author: thedude


CA: s2BbxpZPpXMScWue545QkCzPBf3C1mTy3sNHUak8brn

What is CICADA Coin?

CICADA Coin is the latest buzz in the world of MEME Coins. Inspired by the periodic emergence of cicadas, this coin aims to create a buzzing community of enthusiasts and investors. Each CICADA Coin is designed to equal one cicada, symbolizing the strength and unity of the swarm. Embrace the swarm mentality and join the MEME Coins revolution with CICADA!

How to Buy CICADA Coin

Purchasing CICADA Coin is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps to join the swarm:

  1. Click on the purchase link.
  2. Follow the instructions provided by the bot to complete your purchase.
  3. Join the swarm and start buzzing with your new CICADA Coins!

Key Features of CICADA Coin

CICADA Coin stands out in the MEME Coins space with several key features:

  • Community-Driven: The strength of the swarm is in its community. Join like-minded individuals and be part of the buzz.
  • Unique Concept: Inspired by cicadas, the coin symbolizes periodic resurgence and unity.
  • Easy to Buy: With a simple purchasing process, anyone can join the swarm effortlessly.
  • MEME Buzz: Be part of the latest trend in MEME Coins and ride the buzz!

FAQ about CICADA Coin

What makes CICADA Coin unique?

CICADA Coin is inspired by the periodic emergence of cicadas, creating a unique and symbolic representation in the MEME Coins market.

How can I buy CICADA Coin?

You can easily buy CICADA Coin by clicking on the purchase link and following the instructions provided by the bot.

Is CICADA Coin community-driven?

Yes, CICADA Coin thrives on a strong and enthusiastic community. Join the swarm and be part of the buzzing community.

What is the current value of CICADA Coin?

1 $CICADA = 1 cicada. The coin's value is designed to mirror the unique concept of cicadas.

For more information on CICADA Coin and to join the swarm, click on the purchase link.

CICADA Coin CA: s2BbxpZPpXMScWue545QkCzPBf3C1mTy3sNHUak8brn

CICADA Coin Price

Previous 16/06/2024 15:56
Next 16/06/2024 16:08

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CICADA Comments(116)

  • sea_mon3y
    sea_mon3y 19/04/2024 22:57

    Push to ray ray

  • Hermyhermy
    Hermyhermy 19/04/2024 22:50

    Boden is my dad, $CICADA in my bag

  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 22:45

    Should we mint on raydium tn lowkey?

  • Hermyhermy
    Hermyhermy 19/04/2024 22:42

    I’m going to bodens White House to protect him from the cicadas

  • candyman
    candyman 19/04/2024 22:36

    would u rather have cicada or a daddy…why can’t u have both?

  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 22:35


  • Hermyhermy
    Hermyhermy 19/04/2024 22:34


  • thedude
    thedude 19/04/2024 22:31

    Moan for daddy

  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 22:23

    Will Cicada pass the USD in 2024?

  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 22:15

    The only difference between a college degree and a Cicada coin is that Cicada is actually worth something

  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 22:05

    A very stable genius told me to buy this coin

  • thedude
    thedude 19/04/2024 22:05

    Lads, we are close #swarmzemoon

  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 22:05

    How many mortgages can I take against my house to buy more Cicada?

  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 21:57

    6% left on the bonding curve?!? LFG

  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 21:55


  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 21:55

    All I know is cicada

  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 21:55

    I just came on a cicada.

  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 21:49

    We’re absolutely swarming rn

  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 21:47


  • visitor
    visitor 19/04/2024 21:46

    When Cicadas are all over the news this thing is gonna legit explode. See y’all on the Moon 🚀🚀🚀