

    im about to redpill you on the biggest trend change and secret in crypto rn there is 2 type of people in crypto meme rotators and codecels every time you buy a codecel coin you are giving money to a bunch of up their own asses devs in SF you are reinforcing the problem this should quickly become part of your allocation strategy in crypto buy meme rotators coins, not code cels ‘projects’ the truth is that crypto revolution is a cultural phenomenon not a tech phenomenon the distinction cannot be emphatized enough all the codecels that believe that crypto is about creating the most performant database (aka blockchain) are just the kind of people crypto initially was trying to free you from these are the future bureaucrats and middlemans we so despise right now meme rotators understand this and also understand that the only way to fix this is memeing harder so next time you take out your wallet and are about to ape in the latest l2 remember this and maybe take 30% of what you were about to ape into that fancy rollup and buy shibainuharrybpotterbigbunda and be part of the change clean your soul from dev cope and be enlightened by memes
